Superhailer is a safe, high-power, acoustic communication tool. It is designed to help the Emergency Services de-escalate and better manage dynamic situations, at range, through clear communication. It allows them to deal with challenging scenarios through “persuasion, advice and warning” all at a safe distance and without needing to resort to the use of force.
Superhailer is an assertive and effective communication tool.
Superhailer is not a weapon, it is not a less-lethal weapon and it is not a pain compliance device
The Superhailer® allows the projection of extremely clear audio messages out to a very significant distance. It is:
Intended for humane policing & de-escalating situations safely
A modern alternative to using force or aggression
All at range for maximum safety, up to 800ft+/250m+
100% safe in use, complies with health & safety legislation
Equipped with comprehensive integrated evidence recording
Easy to use, all functions are automatic (no user judgement)
Very media friendly and highly defensible in court